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Proxy Authentication Beta

Koel can be configured to authenticate users via a reverse proxy. Proxy authentication is useful in environments where users are already authenticated by a proxy server.

Beta Feature

This feature is currently in beta. Expect bugs and rough edges.


Proxy authentication bypasses Koel's built-in authentication system and relies on the proxy server to authenticate users. Make sure your proxy server is secure and properly configured.

To enable proxy authentication, set PROXY_AUTH_ENABLED to in .env to true and provide the necessary configuration:

  • PROXY_AUTH_USER_HEADER: The header name that contains the unique identifier for the user, e.g., remote-user.
  • PROXY_AUTH_PREFERRED_NAME_HEADER: The header name that contains the user's preferred, humanly-readable name, e.g., remote-preferred-name.
  • PROXY_AUTH_ALLOW_LIST: A comma-separated list of allowed proxy IPs or Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDRs), e.g., or 2001:0db8:/32. If this value is empty, NO requests will be allowed (which essentially means proxy authentication is disabled).

Now when a request comes in, Koel will look for specific headers to determine the user's identity. If the headers are found, Koel will attempt to log the user in automatically using the unique identifier. If the user is not found, Koel will create a new user with the unique identifier and the preferred name.