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Purchase & Activation


Koel Plus employs a super simple pricing model: You set your own price starting at €19.99, one time. You read that right: no subscription, no recurring payments, no hidden fees, no per- or additional-seat costs — I hate those bullshit as much as you do. Pay once, and you get all current and future updates at no extra fee, forever.


If the price is still too steep for you, let me know, and we can work something out. Also, if you’re a current or past sponsor ❤️, you’re eligible for a discount.


Click here to purchase Koel Plus.


UI is subject to change

The screenshots and descriptions in this document are based on the latest version of Koel at the time of writing. As Koel is an ever-evolving project, the actual UI may differ slightly in newer versions.

After purchasing, you'll receive an email with a license key. To activate Koel Plus, you can use either the web interface or the command line.

Via the Web Interface

  1. Log into your Koel installation as an admin and locate the "Upgrade to Plus" button in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Upgrade to Plus button
  2. Click the button to bring up the "Koel Plus" dialog: Koel Plus dialog
  3. Click "I have a license key," enter your key in the input field, and click "Activate." Koel Plus dialog - Enter key
  4. If the key is valid, Koel will display a Success message and reload itself.

Via the Command Line

From the root of your Koel installation, run:

php artisan koel:license:activate YOUR_LICENSE_KEY

If the key is valid, you'll see a Success message.


To verify that Koel Plus is activated, reload the web app if you haven't done so. Afterward, trigger the About Koel modal by clicking the icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. You should see the information about your Koel Plus license in the modal.

About modal with Plus


If for any reason you need to deactivate Koel Plus, you can do so via the command line:

php artisan koel:license:deactivate

Reload Koel, and it will revert to the Community edition. You can re-activate it at any time following the steps above.